72 Little Tricks for Big Success Communicating on the Job
Brian Tracy, America's #1 expert on business relationships and bestselling author said "This powerful, practical book shows you how to influence others, communicate clearly, and achieve your goals through others faster than ever before."
If you want to get ahead at work—and get along with everyone at the same time—this book gives you 72 Sure-fire techniques. (Leil has trained employees— from entry-level new hires to CEO’s—how to navigate office politics, work with toxic bosses and deal with infuriating coworkers for more than 20 years of training business professionals,
10 ways to show your boss and colleagues you are 100 percent CONFIDENT that you can achieve whatever you want—and reinforce this image throughout your entire working relationship
14 strategies to demonstrate you are a CARING person . . . because “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”
12 techniques to get your ideas across with complete CLARITY and ensure you understand everybody else you work with
14 methods to win CREDIBILITY by earning the trust and respect of everyone at your company. This includes ways to impress everyone who searches for you on the internet.
21 tactics to confront the number one workplace nightmare—COEXISTENCE WITH A CRUEL BOSS AND CRAZY COLLEAGUES.
Plus, you’ll find one final astonishing technique to guarantee success and happiness in your professional life.
Amazon reviewers say:
I believe this book is absolutely outstanding. Ms. Lowndes has done it again. Great advice for all of us.
By Lamont
Great read!
Once I started reading this book, I couldn’t put it down. I took it everywhere. I learned a lot. These tools will help me to be a much better person and professional.
By Roy Payne
An essential office toolbox
Leil Lowndes new book, "How to Talk to Anyone at Work: 72 Little Tricks for Big Success in Business Relationships," is an essential tool for anyone wanting to move ahead at work or even socially. Even though it is easy to skim a book like this that has been broken down into easy to absorb "bytes" of information, I recommend people do what I did. Go through it with a fine toothed comb approach, read the entire book, and then revisit areas of interest. This book is way more sophisticated than it appears at first glance and that fact can only be discovered by first reading it as an entire unit. Although the little tricks are numbered and therefore easy to find and to refer back to, make no mistake: the words in the chapters are not filler; not by a long shot and the maximum usage of these little tricks will only be appreciated properly by taking in the supporting material surrounding them. There are lots of books out there with tips but Leil has covered areas I have not seen elsewhere and as a professional leader of many years, far from a rookie, I learned a lot of new concepts in this book and also came to realize why I screwed up in a number of instances. This book covers so many different areas, physical, verbal and emotional. I don't care who you are, I think you can benefit from this book. You can advance yourself with this book, you can save your job with this book, you can even make new friends with this book. I am impressed to say the least. Especially since it is organized in such an easy to use format. I wish I had had access to this kind of information years ago when I started out but even at this point, I am trying some of this out my next trip to the office. It's so practical as opposed to pie in the sky. I can actually use this stuff.
By Moderate Risk, Top 500 ReviewerVine Voice
Great communications book!
I'll confess that I picked up this book not expecting to learn anything new. I've done a fair amount of reading about workplace communication and I've also looked through a few of Leil Lowndes' books before. I was pleasantly surprised though – whether it was learning something I actually didn't think about before, or whether it was Lowndes way of putting things – I did feel like this book was much more helpful than I expected.
The book starts out with a chapter on confidence. Of course, most of us know that confidence is everything and have read various tips on the subject, such as not using the word "just" or that crossing your arms during meetings or discussions can send the wrong message. There were some things in here that I have never thought about though, such as the nonverbal cues that coworkers and supervisors pick up on constantly, from the moment you walk through the door, and how to make "bigger," rather than "smaller" movements.
Additional chapters cover ways to demonstrate caring and investment in your job and colleagues, clarity in communications, credibility (and what to do when things go wrong), and challenging bosses and colleagues. Again, some of these things are common knowledge and some I found to be new, like how to improve listening skills by repeating what a presenter has said in your own words in your head, or a new tip on dealing with someone who interrupts you in a meeting (I thought I had heard them all, but I hadn't). Additionally, Lowndes has a very easy, conversational method of writing, and each chapter is only a few pages long, making this the perfect read for when you only have a set amount of time.
By Vine Customer Reviewer